Guide for Authors

Papers are reviewed for publication assuming that their content has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal, hasn't been accepted for publication elsewhere, and hasn't already been published. Any attempt at dual publication will lead to automatic rejection.

Papers may be rejected after review in-house on account of lack of originality, poorly conducted study, or absence of scientific message.

Manuscripts should be submitted together with the copyright transfer, Disclosure and Authorship form and a covering letter addressed to (DUSJ) editor requesting submission and signed by the corresponding author.

DUSJ style follows the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Scientific Journals which can be downloaded free from the following E-mail:


Material relating to human investigation and animal experiments must comply with and be approved by local ethics committees. The Delta University Scientific Journal reserved the right not to publish papers on the grounds that appropriate ethical or

experimental standers haven't been reached. Written consent must be obtained from the patient, legal guardian, or executor for publication of any details or photographs that might identify an individual.

Manuscript Preparation:

The manuscript shouldn't exceed 4000 words and should be typewritten on a good quality printer or typewriter, using a 12pt font size, on A4 paper, with single-spacing and at least 3cm margins. The pages of the manuscript should be numbered including the

title page at the top right-hand corner. The manuscript shouldn’t be written with a column formatting style. Each of the following sections should begin on a new page in the following order: introduction; patients (materials) and methods, results,

discussion, acknowledgments; references; tables; legends of illustrations.

Title Page:

The title page should contain (1) Title of Article,(2) Full name of each author, with highest academic degree (s),(3) Departments(s) and institutions(s) to which the work should be attributed, and(4) Name, Address, phone, fax and e-mail address for author responsible for correspondence


The abstract should be structured outlining the Background, the aim, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper. The abstract shouldn't exceed 200 words.


Three words using terms from Index Medicus (MeSH catalog) wherever possible should be chosen by the author


The outline of text should be ;(1)introduction,(2) patients(Materials)and Methods,(3)Results, Discussion. Tables and graphs

Each table should be typed on a separate sheet, must have an identifying number (please use Arabic numerals) and a short descriptive title. Do not use vertical lines in your tables. All tables should be linked with the text and should supplement, not

duplicate, the text. For footnotes use the following symbols in the following sequence:*,װ,†,‡ ,**. Graphs should be constructed in black and white with no gridlines Three dimension graphs will not be accepted.

Illustrations (Figures):

Figures should be submitted in the form of glossy prints. Each illustration should have a label pasted on the reverse side giving the name(s) of the author, its reference number in the text, and an arrow pointing at its upper border. If photographs of

people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by a written permission form to publish their photographs. Legends for all illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet.

Abbreviations and symbols:

The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is the standard unit of measurements. Avoid abbreviations in the title.


Delta Journal reference style follows the uniform requirements for manuscripts which is bases largely on an ANSI standard style adapted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM)for its databases  for a standard journal

article: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV- infected patients. N Eng1J Med.2002;347:284-7.

For articles with more than six authors: List the first six authors followed by et al.

Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick, Marion SW, Plamer AM, Schiding JK, et al.Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res 2002;935:40-6.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis:

Manuscripts should follow the Cochrane Collaboration methodology for publication

Any information requests or correspondence including paper submission, subscription order, change of subscriber address  and, advertising in the journal, should be addressed to: