Imaging Modalities of Temporomandibular Joint: An Overview

Document Type : Review articles


Department of oral and maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Delta University for science and technology, Mansoura , Egypt


Accurate diagnosis of TMJ problems, requires both clinical and radiographic examinations to produce a comprehensive assessment of the joint, its function, and the surrounding bone and tissues. The choice of imaging technique is typically determined by the specific diagnostic objectives, which involves the assessment of cortical integrity, disc position, meniscal perforation, joint dynamics, and changes in condylar position. The results of imaging studies must be correlated with the patient history and clinical findings in order to arrive at a diagnosis and plan treatment. Complicated anatomical configuration of the temporomandibular joint was the reason for developing standardized radiographic techniques which would provide accurate anatomical images. various techniques are available for imaging the TMJ, such as plain film radiography, arthrography, ultrasonography, CBCT, CT, MRI, and functional imaging. Nowadays , within the advances of technology, a single imaging approach is not sufficient for TMJ imaging. However, multiple imaging methods are used for evaluation.


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